Blood tests are normally used only when a very early diagnosis of pregnancy is needed. Blood tests measure the the level of human chorionic gonadotrophin in the blood by a labotary technique called immunoassay.This produces a result from within 9-12 days of conception but is more expensive to perform.
Pregnancy test kit

Pregnancy test kit just one of the many types of the pregnancy test kits is shown.No kit is 100%accurate.Whether a test indicates pregnancy or negative result despite a missed period,it is wise to consult a doctor for conformation.
Components of test kit
This test kit has three main parts
1.A dropper tube containing a test solution -The end of the dropper tube is squeezed gently to introduce the test solution into the test tube,which is held upright in a stand provided.
The lid of the test kit is used to collect a urine sample early in the morning.Some urine is drawn up into the dropper tube by squeezing and releasing.
2. A test tube with stopper - Five drops of urine are added to the solution in the test tube,the contents shaken, and the stopper removed.
3. The indicator stick- Placed in the test tube.The result can be read after 30 minutes. If the end of the changes colour,it signifies a pregnancy.
Other pregnancy tests available at the drugstores.
There are many different types of home pregnancy tests (HPTs). Most drugstores sell HPTs over the counter. They are inexpensive. But the cost depends on the brand and how many tests come in the box.
Before Testing
buy an early-response kit to test on or before the first day of your missed period. The First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test is highly rated in consumer trials and gives an accurate result three days before your period is due. However, no test will pick up all pregnancies that early. You can expect a more reliable result a few days or even a week later, when the rapidly increasing hormone level is easier to detect.
Read the instructions. Some tests have you pass the stick through the urine stream, while with others you collect urine in a cup, then dip the stick. Many kits allow both and take five minutes or less--but they're the longest minutes of your life!
Make sure the result is easy to understand. Any line that appears on the absorbent wick inside the test stick should be strong and clear. If it's not, you'll need to wait a day or two and test again. Twin-packs are cheaper than buying two kits individually.
Pregnancy Test Midstream

This is one of easiest to use home pregnancy test. Midstream can be used right in the urine stream, sample intake is automatic, no need to measure a sample.
Remove the plastic cap to expose the absorbent window. Point the absorbent tip (with 5 small openings) directly in urine stream for at least 7-10 seconds to allow the sample into the testing device. (Another technique is to collect urine into a clean container and dip half of the absorbent pad for at least 10 seconds.) Re-cap the device and place it horizontally on a clean, flat surface. Allow 5 minutes to complete the test reaction.
Make sure to read test results at 5-minute mark. Reading too early or too late may yield incorrect interpretation of the results and may vary according to users experience.

Negative results:
Only one color band appears on the top Control (C) region. There should be no apparent band on the Test (T) region. The control line is designed to validate the test and should be crisp and clear in intensity with white membrane background.
Positive results:

Distinct and consistent color bands appear on the Control (C) and Test (T) regions. Color intensity of the bands may vary according to concentration and level of hCG development. The test line is usually slightly weaker in intensity in comparison to the control line. The pattern of increasing intensity of the test line is a much better predictor of pregnancy rather than any individual reading. Positive test results should always be confirmed with your physician.
Invalid results
Uncertain test results should be discarded in case there is no visible control line (C). Repeat test with a new test device.
Pregnancy Test Strip

This is very easy to use.Hold the plastic handle and immerse the test strip into the urine with the white absorbent arrow end pointing towards the sample. Make sure not to immerse past the maximum line marker. Take the strip out after 3 seconds and place it horizontally on a clean, dry, surface. Do not immerse for longer than 5 seconds. Allow 5 minutes to complete the test reaction.
Pregnancy Test Cassette

This test kit also an easier to use pregnancy test home . Cassette includes dropper to collect exact amount of urine sample.
Use the plastic pipette provided in the test pouch to withdraw the urine sample. Position the pipette over the round well opening and displace 4 drops (0.2mL) of urine by gently squeezing the pipette. Allow 5 minutes to complete the test reaction.
If a home pregnancy test is positive and shows that you are pregnant, you should call your doctor right away. Your doctor can use a more sensitive test along with a pelvic exam to tell for sure if you're pregnant. Seeing your doctor early on in your pregnancy will help you and your baby stay healthy.
If your HPT is negative, test yourself again in a few days or one week. If you keep getting a negative result but think you are pregnant, talk with your doctor right away.
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