The female system plays a critical part from fertilization until long after the birth of offspring.The organs that enable to woman ovulate to have sexual intercourse. To nourish a fertilized ovum until it has developed into a full-grown fetus, and later gives birth to offspring, and feeds those offspring after birth.With exception of the vulva , the female reproductive organs lie with the pelvic cavity.

Ova(egg) are released at monthly intervals from the ovaries, oval-shaped organs in the groin that also generate sex hormones. At birth, a female's ovaries contain hundreds of thousands of undeveloped eggs, each surrounded by a group of cells to form a follicle, or sac; however, only about 360-480 follicles reach full maturity. During puberty the action of hormones causes several follicles to develop each month.Adjacent to each ovary is a fallopian tube ,which carries ova to the uterus,a hollow, pear-shaped organ which is situated between bladder and the rectum.If on its journey along the fallopian tube ,an ovum is successfully pretended by a sperm.fertilization takes place.
Sperm travel upwards through the cervix and the uterus on their journey to the fallopian tubes(a trumpet-shaped passageway between the ovary and the uterus).
The cervix projects into the top of the vagina.a muscular passage which form the lower part of the birth canal.and receives ejaculated sperm during sexual intercourse.Surrounding and protection the opening of the vagina are the fussy folds of the vulva.
The normal functioning of the female reproductive system at puberty with the onset of menstruation; The potential for reproduction ends at the time of the menopause.
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