Proper timing, on the other hand, is a crucial factor. To make conception more likely, have sex a day or two before you expect to ovulate and then again on the day of ovulation.
Will having an orgasm help my chances of conceiving?
Some people believe that a woman who climaxes after her partner ejaculates is more likely to get pregnant, but there's no evidence to support this notion either.
The female orgasm isn't a necessary component of conception, but it is possible that uterine contractions help sperm move toward the fallopian tubes. (Such painless contractions happen involuntarily even when you're not having sex, particularly around the time of ovulation.)
stay lying down afterward......
There's no evidence that it makes a difference, but it can't hurt. Remaining horizontal for 15 minutes or so after intercourse allows more semen to remain in your vagina. Of course, with millions of sperm in every ejaculation, there should be plenty of sperm in your vagina even if you get up right away.
Positons to Avoid
For most women it makes sense to avoid straddling their partner while making love -- woman-on-top, sitting or standing -- since this can cause the semen to leak and may result in fewer sperm making their way to the egg.
I am 30 years, old and we just had our first baby boy via cowgirl position. My hubby had a back problem from his golf days, so in the months of trying to conceive, I was in control!!!...Could this disprove the general theory of women-on-top position does not work for those trying to conceive?
ReplyDeleteYou have been really helpful to us. My husband and I has been trying for years now. We are planning to adopt but upon reading your blog, hope's again in me that in God's time we'll have our little angel;. Thank you and more power to you!