Friday, July 31, 2009

Antenatal Care

Importance of Antenatal Care

Care of woman and her unborn baby throughout with the im of makeing sure both healthy at delivery.Such care involves regular test on thewoman and the fetus to detect disease,defects,or portential hazards,and advising the woman on general aspects of pregnancy ,such as diet and exercies.Therefore both husband and wife gain an understanding about what is happening and what will happen. An important choice that you need to make is to decide who is going to look after you during pregnancy. The choices for care involve:

First Prenatal Visit
A pregnant woman should see her doctor as soon as she believes she is pregnant.She will be then usually be referred to an obstetrician,who will take down the medical history of the woman and her family the obstetrician then examine the woman to confirm that she is actually pregnant and to check her general health.A virginal examination is usually carried out to check that the reproductive organs and pelvis are normal and to confirm the the estimated date of delivery,which is calculated from first day of the woman's last period.

During your first prenatal visit, your health care provider will check your blood and urine for the following:

  • Conditions that could harm your baby (for example, hepatitis B, syphilis and possibly other sexually transmitted infections). You will be offered a test to see if you carry HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
  • Antibodies that show whether or not you are immune to rubella (German measles) and chickenpox , both of which can cause birth defects if the mother is infected for the first time during pregnancy.

  • Anemia (low red blood cell count), which could cause you to feel especially tired and possibly increase your risk of preterm delivery.

  • Your blood type, including whether you carry a protein called the Rh factor ; on your red blood cells. Women who lack the Rh factor are said to be Rh negative and usually need treatment to protect their babies from a potentially dangerous blood problem.

  • Bacteria in your urine. Up to 10 percent of pregnant women have bacteria in their urine, which indicates a urinary tract infection. Most have no symptoms, but even a symptomless urinary tract infection may spread upwards to the kidneys, where it can pose a serious risk to mother and baby. Urinary tract infections are treated with antibiotics that are safe for mother and baby.
  • Sugar in your urine. This can be a sign of diabetes. Your health care provider may suggest additional tests if sugar shows up in your urine.

  • Protein in your urine. This can indicate a urinary tract infection or, later in pregnancy, a pregnancy-related condition that includes high blood pressure. Your health care provider may suggest additional tests if your urine has protein in it.

The first of a series of screening tests to detect any abnormalities in the woman or baby may be carried at this visit.Some of these test such as ultrasound scanning to detect any gross abnormality,usually need to be carried out only ones;others such as blood test or urinalysis to detect anemia or diabetes mellitus in the woman,may be performed at periodic intervals throughout the pregnancy.

Subsequent visit
If there are no problems the woman visits the doctor or midwife every month until the 28th week,then every two weeks until 36th week and then the weekly until the delivery date,which on average is the 40th week from the first date of the mother's last menstrual period.If the pregnancy is high-risk such as,if the woman is over 35,or is suffering from hypertension or diabetes or if problem develop,visits will be more frequent and ,in some case, the woman may need to be admitted to hospital for closer observation.

At each visit,as well as undergoing the test the woman is weighed,her blood pressure is taken ,and the size of uterus is estimated to to confirm that the baby is growing well.

After the 32nd week ,the position of the baby in the uretus (whether it is head down as it should be) is determined, and the degree of enlargement (how far the baby's head has descended into the woman pelvis) is regularly recorded.The woman is also asked about the baby's movement;frequent,pronounced movements usually indicate that the baby is active and healthy.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Tests on urine or blood performed to determine whether or not a woman is pregnant; some can be performed at home.Pregnancy test check for the presence of human chorionic gonadotrophic ,produced by the placenta.

rine tests are used most often can detect pregnancy from above two weeks after a missed period.,although some of newer tests can detect pregnancy withing a few days of a missed period.The test usually performed on an early morning midstream urine specimen(because urine is most concentrated at this time.)Urine tests are above 97% accurate if the result is positive and about 80% accurate if the result is negative.If the result is negative and there is no menstrual period withing about week,the pregnancy test should be repeated.

Blood tests are normally used only when a very early diagnosis of pregnancy is needed. Blood tests measure the the level of human chorionic gonadotrophin in the blood by a labotary technique called immunoassay.This produces a result from within 9-12 days of conception but is more expensive to perform.

Pregnancy test kit

Pregnancy test kit just one of the many types of the pregnancy test kits is shown.No kit is 100%accurate.Whether a test indicates pregnancy or negative result despite a missed period,it is wise to consult a doctor for conformation.

Components of test kit
This test kit has three main parts
1.A dropper tube containing a test solution -The end of the dropper tube is squeezed gently to introduce the test solution into the test tube,which is held upright in a stand provided.
The lid of the test kit is used to collect a urine sample early in the morning.Some urine is drawn up into the dropper tube by squeezing and releasing.

2. A test tube with stopper - Five drops of urine are added to the solution in the test tube,the contents shaken, and the stopper removed.

3. The indicator stick- Placed in the test tube.The result can be read after 30 minutes. If the end of the changes colour,it signifies a pregnancy.

Other pregnancy tests available at the drugstores.

There are many different types of home pregnancy tests (HPTs). Most drugstores sell HPTs over the counter. They are inexpensive. But the cost depends on the brand and how many tests come in the box.

Before Testing
buy an early-response kit to test on or before the first day of your missed period. The First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test is highly rated in consumer trials and gives an accurate result three days before your period is due. However, no test will pick up all pregnancies that early. You can expect a more reliable result a few days or even a week later, when the rapidly increasing hormone level is easier to detect.

Read the instructions. Some tests have you pass the stick through the urine stream, while with others you collect urine in a cup, then dip the stick. Many kits allow both and take five minutes or less--but they're the longest minutes of your life!

Make sure the result is easy to understand. Any line that appears on the absorbent wick inside the test stick should be strong and clear. If it's not, you'll need to wait a day or two and test again. Twin-packs are cheaper than buying two kits individually.

Pregnancy Test Midstream

This is one of easiest to use home pregnancy test. Midstream can be used right in the urine stream, sample intake is automatic, no need to measure a sample.

Remove the plastic cap to expose the absorbent window. Point the absorbent tip (with 5 small openings) directly in urine stream for at least 7-10 seconds to allow the sample into the testing device. (Another technique is to collect urine into a clean container and dip half of the absorbent pad for at least 10 seconds.) Re-cap the device and place it horizontally on a clean, flat surface. Allow 5 minutes to complete the test reaction.

Make sure to read test results at 5-minute mark. Reading too early or too late may yield incorrect interpretation of the results and may vary according to users experience.

Negative results:
Only one color band appears on the top Control (C) region. There should be no apparent band on the Test (T) region. The control line is designed to validate the test and should be crisp and clear in intensity with white membrane background.

Positive results:

Distinct and consistent color bands appear on the Control (C) and Test (T) regions. Color intensity of the bands may vary according to concentration and level of hCG development. The test line is usually slightly weaker in intensity in comparison to the control line. The pattern of increasing intensity of the test line is a much better predictor of pregnancy rather than any individual reading. Positive test results should always be confirmed with your physician.

Invalid results
Uncertain test results should be discarded in case there is no visible control line (C). Repeat test with a new test device.

Pregnancy Test Strip

This is very easy to use.Hold the plastic handle and immerse the test strip into the urine with the white absorbent arrow end pointing towards the sample. Make sure not to immerse past the maximum line marker. Take the strip out after 3 seconds and place it horizontally on a clean, dry, surface. Do not immerse for longer than 5 seconds. Allow 5 minutes to complete the test reaction.

Pregnancy Test Cassette

This test kit also an easier to use pregnancy test home . Cassette includes dropper to collect exact amount of urine sample.

Use the plastic pipette provided in the test pouch to withdraw the urine sample. Position the pipette over the round well opening and displace 4 drops (0.2mL) of urine by gently squeezing the pipette. Allow 5 minutes to complete the test reaction.

If a home pregnancy test is positive and shows that you are pregnant, you should call your doctor right away. Your doctor can use a more sensitive test along with a pelvic exam to tell for sure if you're pregnant. Seeing your doctor early on in your pregnancy will help you and your baby stay healthy.
If your HPT is negative, test yourself again in a few days or one week. If you keep getting a negative result but think you are pregnant, talk with your doctor right away.

Pregnancy symptoms

Pregnancy symptoms are not same for all women. its differ to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. Understanding the signs and symptoms of pregnancy is important because each symptom may be related to something other than pregnancy. If you have been sexually active and experiencing any of the following symptoms it is important to take a pregnancy test.

Absence of menstrual period.

The first sign of pregnancy is usually absence of menstrual period, though some women have breakthrough bleeding.

*It is important to note that there are other reasons why a period can be late, such as fatigue, stress, weight changes, hormonal issues, breastfeeding, and stopping birth control pills.

Tenderness of the Breast

Tenderness of the Breast which may begin as early as 1-2 weeks after conception.

Feeling fatigued or more tired

Feeling tired is something that a pregnant woman will feel throughout her pregnancy and it can begin a week after conception.

Nausea/Morning Sickness

Nausea and vomiting are common , are often worse in the morning. Some women are fortunate to not deal with morning sickness at all, while others will feel nauseous throughout most of their pregnancy.

Frequent Urination
You may find yourself making a few extra trips to the bathroom. 6 weeks after conception and this will occur again as you near the end of your pregnancy, as well.

Changes in Taste and Smell

Some women do not experience this symptom, some having it first trimster of pregnancy,yet others suffer through it for the whole pregnancy.


Some women experience signs or symptoms of pregnancy within a week of conception. For other women, pregnancy symptoms may develop over a few weeks or may not be present at all.

Food Cravings:
While you may not have a strong desire to eat pickles and ice cream, many women will feel cravings for certain foods when they are pregnant. This can last throughout your entire pregnancy.


Some women experience lower back pain in the early stages of pregnancy.however, it is common to experience a dull backache throughout an entire pregnancy.


Some women have headaches because ,the sudden rise of hormones in your body can cause you to have headaches early in pregnancy. Be sure to drink a lot of water and get enough rest.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Best sexual position to getting pregnant

There's no evidence that any particular sexual position is more likely to lead to conception. You may have heard that positions that deposit the sperm closest to the cervix — such as the man-on-top position works well when trying to conceive. Place a small pillow under your hips following intercourse so that your cervix basically rests in the pool of semen for a short time (perhaps 20 minutes or so). This will allow the sperm time to easily swim up through the cervix. (Important Note: Do not use a large pillow, or you may sabotage your efforts, since the sperm may then puddle behind your cervix. Not a good place to be when trying to reach that egg.)

Proper timing, on the other hand, is a crucial factor. To make conception more likely, have sex a day or two before you expect to ovulate and then again on the day of ovulation.
Will having an orgasm help my chances of conceiving?

Some people believe that a woman who climaxes after her partner ejaculates is more likely to get pregnant, but there's no evidence to support this notion either.

The female orgasm isn't a necessary component of conception, but it is possible that uterine contractions help sperm move toward the fallopian tubes. (Such painless contractions happen involuntarily even when you're not having sex, particularly around the time of ovulation.)

stay lying down afterward......

There's no evidence that it makes a difference, but it can't hurt. Remaining horizontal for 15 minutes or so after intercourse allows more semen to remain in your vagina. Of course, with millions of sperm in every ejaculation, there should be plenty of sperm in your vagina even if you get up right away.

Positons to Avoid
For most women it makes sense to avoid straddling their partner while making love -- woman-on-top, sitting or standing -- since this can cause the semen to leak and may result in fewer sperm making their way to the egg.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Are You Physically Ready?

Physical condition of both partners directly effects the baby's health.It is a very important to keep your body healthy and good condition before getting pregnant.Therefore it's a better to talk with your health care provider before you get pregnant. Your health care provider can help you make important changes to your diet and lifestyle that will help you have the healthiest pregnancy possible.
On the other hand, the physical preparation is very important.Conception occurs about two weeks before your period is due. That means you may not even know you're pregnant until you're more than three weeks along. your baby is most sensitive to harm two to eight weeks after conception. This is when your baby's facial features and organs, such as the heart and kidneys, begin to form. Anything mother eat, drink, smoke or are exposed to can affect your baby. That's why it's best to start acting as if you're pregnant before you are.

Go to the doctor.

Both of you should visit your Doctor or Midwife.This is an area that you should already know what you are going to do. You can discuss about your plan to getting pregnant,and any questions if you have.Then you will probably be asked about your medical history and
body check-up,review any medications you are taking and make sure you are up to date on immunizations.Then he or she will advise what you have to do during pre-pregnacy period.

Medical tests
There are some tests to find out whether you have any health problem that harm future
baby or mother.HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as well as immunity to
certain childhood diseases, like chickenpox and rubella. Its better to have these tests
done before pregnancy.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). STDs such as gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia and
AIDS can make it hard for you to get pregnant and can also harm you or your baby. It is
best if these diseases are diagnosed and treated before pregnancy.

Rubella. If you don't know whether you've ever had rubella (also called the German
measles) or been vaccinated against it, a blood test can give the answer. Catching rubella
while you're pregnant can be very harmful for your baby. You can be vaccinated against
rubella before you get pregnant.

Other problems. Your doctor may also want to perform some other tests depending on your risk for other problems (such as anemia or hepatitis).
Also if mother-to be have diabetes, high blood pressure or problems with her circulation,she has to control it before getting pregnant

Folic Acid is very important.....

Have multi vitamin with folic acid is important, before becoming pregnant because folic
acid essential to develop baby�s brain and spinal cord during early pregnancy its developing. Women need about 0.4 mg of folic acid a day. You can take a multivitamin or
eat plenty of green, leafy vegetables, fruits like oranges, cantaloupe and bananas, milk,
grains and organ meats (such as chicken livers)..

Keep right weight.
Weight and Exercise. It is important to be in top physical shaped before conceiving your
baby. Remember not to start an exercise regimen after you have conceived – the best time
to start exercising is before.
If you're overweight, your risk during pregnancy is higher for things such as high blood
pressure and diabetes. You can use the time before getting pregnant to lose weight if you
need to.

Avoid harmful things.....
Try to avoid If anything could harm your baby at work or home.such as Some dangers
include radiation, heavy metals like lead, copper and mercury, carbon disulfide, acids and
anesthetic gases.

Avoid stress
Stress isn't good for you or your baby�before, during, or after pregnancy. Too much stress
may increase the risk of labor, low birth weight and possibly miscarriage.

Careful what you eat.

What you eat will also feed your baby. Junk food like potato chips, soda and cookies won't
have the right nutrients for your baby. You might also need to make some changes if you
follow a vegetarian or weight-loss diet. Talk to your doctor before taking extra vitamins and
minerals. Some of them may be harmful, like high doses of vitamin A and D. Limit your daily
Vitamin A intake to 3000 IU and Vitamin D to 400 IU or less. A daily prenatal vitamin
containing 30 mg of elemental iron is sufficient when combined with a diet that includes
meats and other foods high in iron. Before conception, women need 1,200 mg of calcium
per day, or the equivalent of a quart of milk or fortified orange juice. Alternatively, this can
be obtained from six servings of fortified bread or cereals. Limit your daily caffeine intake to
2 cups of coffee or 6 glasses of soda.

Change your habits.......

Using tobacco, alcohol or drugs can cause serious harm to your baby and sometimes even cause miscarriage. If you use tobacco, alcohol or drugs, get help from your doctor to quit.Try not to be embarrassed or scared to talk to your doctor. He or she will want to help you find a way to stop.
Smoking. Smoking can cause miscarriage, bleeding, premature birth and low birth weight.
It's also linked to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), in which infants suddenly die of no obvious cause.
Alcohol. Drinking by a pregnant woman can cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). FAS can
lead to many problems, including mental slowness, poor growth, defects of the face and a
head that is too small. Drink no alcohol or as little as possible before and during pregnancy.
Illegal drugs. Using marijuana, cocaine and other illegal drugs raises the chances of
miscarriage, premature birth and birth defects. With some drugs, the child will be born
addicted to the drug that the mother used and will go through withdrawal.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Are You Financially Ready?

Are you financially ready to have a baby? Raising a child can be very expensive. While finances shouldn't deter your from starting a family if you really want one, be prepared for a higher strain on your finances. You'll be spending less time in the mall for yourself and more time in the baby aisles of the supermarket.
Shopping for a baby-to-come is great fun and, if you're like most expectant parents, you'll want to get the best of everything for your little one. If you have unlimited resources, that's fine. Otherwise, give some thought to what items really need to be top-of-the-line.

Are You Emotionally Ready

There is no doubt your emotional will magically change by smile of your little baby.But to give him or her loverble caring both of you think about the emotional and lifestyle issues you will face as a parent. Its important for both partners to agree on most of the major issues, or begin discussing differences, before conceive.

Certainly, becoming a parent will change your life profoundly. So how do you know if you'll cope
with the huge impact a baby will have on your life and what can you do to get ready for the
parenthood journey?

Do you really want to have a baby? Or because of your partner, a parent or someone else pressuring you? You’re emotionally ready to have a baby if you're having it for the right reasons, with the right person, at the right time, and go into it with realistic expectations
of yourself, each other, and your relationship.

The emotional demands of parenthood on each partner are enormous.Each must be prepared to commit to communicating and connecting to a new baby at all times and be able to accept the constant demands of a baby.

Child affect your relationship with your partner.Therefor if you both ready to become parents, It is much easier to raise a child without stressing. Having a baby often puts a strain on the marriage, since the raising of a child can be quite stressful.

Before you become a parent both parters has to make some behavior changes.We strongly recommend that before you try to get pregnant, both should stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, and stop recreational drug use. You should eat a healthy diet and avoid exposure to chemicals and pollutants that may harm you and your baby or in some way jeopardize or compromise a healthy pregnancy.

We also recommend paying serious attention to your work and home environment and that of the child's father. Studies have shown that a man's sperm can be affected by chemical exposure and that the effects on pregnancy are most likely to occur from exposures in the three months before conception. This is because sperm matures in the testes over a three month period. A father's exposure to chemicals, such as some pesticides, has been linked to miscarriage and premature babies.

It is easier to make behavior changes when you work on together. Working together this way can also help bring you closer and help you build a strong and healthy family unit.Also it will be more benefits to raise your baby's physical and mental health,if both of you clean up your minds by relief your stress away through meditation or following any relaxation program, doing yoga and uplifting your religion or spiritual life.

Before become MOm or Dad...

Child birth is deeply spiritual act than all and being mother and father is greatest thing in the
world.Only mother can create part of the world through her body by supporting father.This
holistic perform of parents will continue the universe unending cycle..........

Anyway before you make a baby both of you ensure your emotional,physical and financial
capacities are enough to care your baby.Also before become parent you must have good
understand about challengers and responsibilities during pregnancy and after childbirth to be a
good mother or father.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fertile Period

Ovulation occurs about halfway through the menstrual cycle(14 to 16 days before the start of a period), after which the released ovum is available for fertilization for about 2 days. Sperm can also live for approximately 2 days, so the peak fertile period is about 4 days. The possible fertile period may last seven to 12 days, due to variations in how long the ovum and sperm can survive and the timing of ovulation.

Monday, July 20, 2009


During sexual intercourse, a man releases approximately 300 million sperm into a woman's vagina, but only one of the sperm can fertilize the ovum. The successful sperm cell must enter the uterus, swim up the fallopian tube to meet the ovum, and then pass through a thick coating, known as the zona pellucida, that surrounds the egg. The head of the sperm cell contains enzymes (a type of protein that speeds up chemical reactions—see Enzymes) that break through the zona pellucida and allow the sperm to penetrate the egg.

Once the head of the sperm is inside the egg, the tail falls off, and the outside of the egg thickens to prevent another sperm from entering. Many variables affect whether fertilization occurs after intercourse among humans. One factor is a woman's ovulatory, or menstrual, cycle. Human eggs can be fertilized for only a few days after ovulation, which typically occurs only once every 28 days.


The organs that enable a man to have sexual intercourse and to fertilize ova with sperm.Sperm and male sex homorns are produced in the testes.The testes are the pair of male reproductive glands located in the scrotum, a skin-covered sac that hangs from the groin. Each testis produces sperm cells, while the testes as a whole secrete testosterone.Testosterone is a hormone—a type of molecule that sends signals to spots remote from its point of origin to induce specific effects on the activities of other cells. From each testis sperm pass into an epydidymics a long coiled tube behind the testis,where they slowly mature and are stored.Shortly before ejaculation, sperm are propelled from the epididymis into a long duct called the vas deferens,which carries the sperm to the seminal vesicles,a pair of sacs that lie behind the bladder.These sacs produce seminal fluid,which is added to the sperms to produce semen.

Liquid secretions from various glands combine with sperm (itself a gooey substance that is barely liquid) to form the semen, or seminal fluid. Ejaculated semen may contain as many as 400 million sperm
Semen travels from the vesicles along two ducts to the urethra,a tube that acts as a passage far urine and for semen.The ducts pass through the prostrate glands,a chestnut-shaped organ which lies beneath the bladder and surround the upper urethra.the prostate produces secretions that are added to the semen.
At orgasm, semen is ejaculated from the urethra through the erect penis,which during sexual intercourse is places in the woman’s vagina.


The female system plays a critical part from fertilization until long after the birth of offspring.The organs that enable to woman ovulate to have sexual intercourse. To nourish a fertilized ovum until it has developed into a full-grown fetus, and later gives birth to offspring, and feeds those offspring after birth.With exception of the vulva , the female reproductive organs lie with the pelvic cavity.

Ova(egg) are released at monthly intervals from the ovaries, oval-shaped organs in the groin that also generate sex hormones. At birth, a female's ovaries contain hundreds of thousands of undeveloped eggs, each surrounded by a group of cells to form a follicle, or sac; however, only about 360-480 follicles reach full maturity. During puberty the action of hormones causes several follicles to develop each month.Adjacent to each ovary is a fallopian tube ,which carries ova to the uterus,a hollow, pear-shaped organ which is situated between bladder and the rectum.If on its journey along the fallopian tube ,an ovum is successfully pretended by a sperm.fertilization takes place.

Sperm travel upwards through the cervix and the uterus on their journey to the fallopian tubes(a trumpet-shaped passageway between the ovary and the uterus).
The cervix projects into the top of the vagina.a muscular passage which form the lower part of the birth canal.and receives ejaculated sperm during sexual intercourse.Surrounding and protection the opening of the vagina are the fussy folds of the vulva.

The normal functioning of the female reproductive system at puberty with the onset of menstruation; The potential for reproduction ends at the time of the menopause.


The process of producing new generation to continue the existence of a species by the fusion of two cells from different individuals;this is achieved in humans by fusion of one sperm and one ovum.this fusion called fertilization,is achieved by sexual intercourse or artificial insemination.

Reproduction is facilitated by the reproductive system, a group of organized structures that can be subdivided into male and female reproductive systems.During puberty, which typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 14 years, the reproductive systems of both sexes mature. This phase is marked in part by the release of eggs (female sex cells) in the female ovary and the formation of sperm (male sex cells) in the male testes. Reproduction can take place only when a sperm unites with an egg, a process called fertilization.


The process of producing new generation to continue the existence of a species by the fusion of two cells from different individuals;this is achieved in humans by fusion of one sperm and one ovum.this fusion calld fertilization,is achieved by sexual intercourse or artificial insemination.

Reproduction is facilitated by the reproductive system, a group of organized structures that can be subdivided into male and female reproductive systems.During puberty, which typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 14 years, the reproductive systems of both sexes mature. This phase is marked in part by the release of eggs (female sex cells) in the female ovary and the formation of sperm (male sex cells) in the male testes. Reproduction can take place only when a sperm unites with an egg, a process called fertilization.

Are you Ready?

Are you Pregnant??? Do you have any following signs and symptoms.
  • Missing a Period
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Tenderness of the Breast
  • Tiredness
  • Frequent Urination
  • Changes in Taste and Smell
  • Constipation
Then Confirm your Pregnancy using Urine Test or purchased a Pregnancy Test Kit at a local drugstore. You can confirm pregnancy by detecting the level of HCG in your urine. If you receive a positive result, you may want to make an appointment with your doctor so that they can confirm you are pregnant and begin follow-up.

Cheers.... Now you are a Mother or Father...