The embryo has begun to develop a heart, liver and digestive system. The baby is being nourished and getting rid of wastes through the placenta and umbilical cord (the vascular structure that connect the growing infant to the wall of the uterus). The nervous system, muscles, and bones and amniotic sac will also begin to develop, so many developments are happening all at once.The entire embryo is approximately 1/5 inch (1/2cm) in length.

Second Month
By the end of eight weeks, the baby’s arms and legs have begun to form. All the major internal organs have developed and the tiny heart begins to pump blood. Facial features become more defined and brain development is well under way.
By this time the embryo has grown to nearly two inches (5cm) in length.

Third Month
By the third month, most women begin to notice the physical signs of their pregnancy. The baby is now growing rapidly, adding a few millimeters to his length each day. His features are becoming distinct. Fingers, toes, ears and eyelids are formed. He weighs about one ounce (28g) and is three inches (8cm) long.

Forth Month
All of the baby’s organs are formed and now he must simply grow in size. By the forth month babies become more active. Movement such as head turning or sucking begins And may begin to push their arms or legs against the sac in which they float. They may be more than six inches (15cm) long and weigh more than ¼ pound (114g).

Fifth Month
The baby’s heart beat is now audible with the doctors stethoscope. His movements are more stronger and more easily felt. Finger and toe nails formed .He begins responds to noise
Hair and eyebrows are growing. He has grown about 10 inches (25cm)in length and weighs approximately ½ pounds (227g).

Sixth Month
Your abdomen continues to enlarge, while the baby’s movements become more vigorous. The baby’s skin appears red and wrinkled. Eyes are open He is about 12 inches (30cm) long and weighs about 1 ½ pounds (680g).

Seventh Month
The baby’s eyes may occasionally be open for short periods of time. If he were born at this time, he would be considered a premature baby and require special care. He weighs approximately 2 ½ pounds (1.13kg) and is about 15 inches (38cm) long.

Eight Month
The baby is now almost fully grown and his movements or kicks are strong enough to be visible from the outside. His skin is no longer quite as wrinkled, and he is usually in the head-down position from which he will be born.
He weighs around four pounds (1.81kg) and is approximately 16 1/ inches (42cm) long.

Ninth Month
The baby has now reached a size and maturity that will enable him to live outside his mother’s body. His head is covered with hair. Eyes open and close. Fetus responds to light. He settles down lower into the abdomen in preparation for birth. The baby weighs around six to seven pounds (2.7 to 3.2kg) and is inches (50cm) or more in length.

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