The period from conception to birth.It begins with conception,the fertilization of an ovum (egg)by a sperm and the subsequent implantation of fertilized egg.The egg developed into the placenta.and embryo,and later into the fetus.most fertilized egg implant into the uterus.However , Occasionally, an egg implant into an abnormal site such as fallopian tube resulting in an ectopic pregnancy,which may develop into an emergency situation.
As mother body adjusts to pregnancy,she will see a number of physical changes taking place her menstruation period cease and breasts become tender and full. eating habits may change.moodiness or fatigue may also occur at the onset of pregnancy.for mostly by the end of third month, mother will feel better and both will feel the joy of there very own pregnancy.
Stages and features of pregnancy
First trimester(0 to12 weeks)
The first sign if pregnancy is usually the absence of menstrual period,though some woman have breakthrough bleeding.The breasts starts to swell and may become tender as mammary glands develop to prepare for barest feeding.the nipple start to enlarge and the veins over the surface of the breasts become more prominent.Supportive bra should be worn.Nausea and vomiting are common,are ofter worse in the morning,and usually persist for six to eight weeks.Urine is passed more frequently and there is often a creamy white discharge from the vagina.Many woman feel unusually tired during the early weeks.Some notice a metallic taste in the mouth or a craving for certain foods.weight begin to increase.

Second trimester(13 to28weeks)
From 16 weeks,the enlarging uterus is easily felt and the woman begins to look noticeably pregnant.the nipples enlarge and darken.and the skin pigmentation may be deepen.Some women may feel warm and flushed.Appetite tends to increase and weight rises rapidly.Facial features tend to become 22 weeks (usually 18 to 20 weeks) most pregnant women have felt the baby moving around (some times called quickening)
during the second trimester ,nausea and frequency of urination diminish,and the woman may feel generally better and more energetic than during early weeks.the heart rate increases, as does the volume of blood pumped by the heart,to allow fetus the develop properly.These changes put an extra strain on the heart of woman who have pre-existing heart disease.
Third trimester(29 to 40weeks)
In some women, stretch marks develop on the abdomen,breast and thighs.A dark line may appear running from the umbilicus to to the pubic hair.colostrum can be expressed from the nipples.
miner problems are common.many women become hot and sweat easily as body temperature raise rises slightly.more rest may be needed at this stage,though many women find it difficult to find a comfortable position.
The baby's head engages(drops down low into the pelvis)around the 36th week in a first pregnancy,but not until a few weeks later in subsequent pregnancies.This "lightening" may relive pressure on the upper abdomen and on breathing,but increases pressure on the bladder and may result in more virginal discharge.
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